Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tips-N-Tricks Dos Aquis

Write down your ideas for your video or blog post or whatever you do. It is helpful for one particular reason, so you don't forget it. You may have the greatest idea for a sketch but you may forget the idea later.  If you have an iPod/iPhone/iPad the app Evernote (or the Notes app that comes downloaded) is a good way to write down your ideas. I have a lot of great ideas saved onto my Notes app. This has been Tips-N-Tricks


Saturday, December 17, 2011

In the Works

There's a video making process goin on.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Tips-n-Tricks Numero Uno

Why hello there. Today I am talking about the importance of sound in a sketch or just a video in general. Sound is a very important component in any video of any sorts. The problem with my little ol' Samsung is that it does not have a very good internal mic. Another problem is that it does not have a slot of an exterior mic. Let's say you were shootin' a comedy. You want people to hear the jokes or else it would not be a funny video because you can't hear a single word the actors are saying. Of course if you have a professional camera such as one of those $1,000+ cameras made by Panasonic you could always attach an exterior mic. But if you're like me and is stuck with a camera that provides bad sound try to talk a little louder then normal yet articulate and be clear. Once again you want people to hear the jokes or just the lines in general. If you're starting out making videos just go out and shoot whatever you and your friends think is cool and edit a little video. Now it's time for me to practice what I preach and go over load on making videos. I have a few good ideas I want to make into a funny little video for you good people of the internet.


Where was I?!?!?!

I know. No videos and no posts.. I'm really sorry. I haven't had enough time to make a video. When I am able to make a video there is always a problem like I cant find the cable to hook up my camera to my computer. So it's not exactly an ideal way to have a channel on YouTube. And by that I mean not being consistent and just flat out not having any videos up either. I will try to make a video during the week but there are no promises. I have watched interviews with some of my favorite YouTubers and I have learned a lot of tricks but I haven't put them to the test yet. So for now I bid you a fond adieu.


Friday, July 1, 2011

It's July Now...

It's July now and I still haven't put up a video. I am really consistent (include sarcasm). This week I will try to make a video and I talked to my brother who I make videos with and he says it is a funny video. I want to start up a vlog channel, that would be cool. I want to make a schedule for videos on the main channel. I want to put up a video every week. The day I'm aiming for is Wednesday. If I do make a second channel I will post the vlogs here, which means another tab! If I am able to make a video this week it probably wont come out till Thursday so the week after i will release( or at least try to) a video every Wednesday.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Message from theCREW

Hi. I just made a decision. I made a new YouTube channel. I was not exactly happy with the name of the channel and the consistency. My new account name is theCREW825. I will be posting the videos there so don't go to EastMainProductions7.